Gold trommel plans
Thar's gold in them thar hills, and all you need is water and a machine to separate the gold from the hill!
These plans are for building a trailer mounted and gas engine powered gold ore trommel to do just that.
The trommel is powered by a 5-8 Hp horizontal engine. The process water pump is powered by a 5 Hp horizontal engine, direct or belt drive. The welded chassis triples as a water manifold and spark free exhaust system which makes this a very quiet machine. Process is through a generous top loading hopper (4 cu.yds/hr. est.) fully flooded with process water to prevent clogging and into a cylindrical trommel which separates ore by mechanical rotation (45 RPM) and high pressure water through a spray bar.
The trailer is 2 or 4 wheel (both designs included) and makes-up with off-the-shelf components. Ore is sized as it tumbles full length through the trommel and falls through a grizzly onto a powered riffle (about 2000 cycles per minute) where the placer is captured. The riffle is emptied periodically into a large bucket and traditionally panned. Various materials may be used, astro-turf, pile carpet and molded rubber sheets of various articulations. Plans for a polyurethane riffle are included, a must for high efficiency recovery. The trommel is belt driven through a jack-shaft for the sake of simplicity and cost. The speed at mid-range is about 45 RPM. Even considering this moderate speed, a grizzly shield is necessary to keep water and ore restrained and directed into the riffle. The action of the powered riffle is adjustable to optimize the motion of various aggregates. This machine is designed to operate at a downward angle to optimize material flow.
This is a simple, no frills machine capable of earning the average operator a living from various stream beds.
Placer gold (free gold) is available in every stream in California and other streams throughout the US as small nuggets, flakes (gold that has been hammered to thinner than paper thickness) and flour gold (very small particles that have to be centrifuged or collected with a mercury plate).
A note about DIAMONDS and GEMSTONES; this machine can be used to process either. Diamonds are processed worldwide taking advantage of a phenomenon that a diamond cannot be whetted. As a result, diamond bearing ore passing over a greased plate will stick and continue to embed deep into the plate as tailings wash across.
This detailed set of cad assembly drawings for building a portable gold trommel is printed in black and white on roll paper and includes 9 pages printed on (2) 36" x 48" sheets.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Our plans are designed to be simple enough to be understood by the do-it-yourselfer but are NOT "step-by-step" instructions. Actual construction of items using these plans may require specialized engineering knowledge, tools and building/manufacturing/fabrication expertise.
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